Utilising gravity, live storage systems provide 'first in-first out' stock rotation, improved use of storage space and improved picking and loading speeds. The pallets rest on roller conveyor track and moves forward when a pallet is removed from the picking face at the front of the installation, creating a storage space on the loading face at the rear of the installation. Pallet live storage is used in conjunction with conventional counter balance or reach trucks.

Racking Systems: Cantilever Racking
Cantilever racking offers a simple cost effective solution for the storage of bulky and difficult to place items e.g. tubes, bars, pipes etc. It is designed to internationally approved quality and safety standards, and gives a clear layout with easy access and a system that can be rearranged in accordance to changing stock requirements. Applications can be single or double sided. Arm length, maximum loading and height are all designed to customer requirements. It also has fully adjustable arms at 75mm intervals, making cantilever racking one of the most versatile storage systems available today.

Racking Systems: Garment Racking
Quodeck garment racking has versatility and simplicity with its simple components; an upright slotted post and tubular beam. The beams and uprights posts creates a solid rack framework enabling a system built to suit desired storage requirements. These elements can be built into a wide range of structures from simple racking to multi-tier structures. A new 64mm post was introduced to provide the ability to build installations up to 12m high, inclusive of rack-suspended walkways.

Racking Systems: Carton Live Storage
Flowstore LS2 is a boltless live storage system that meets customer criteria to the full. Cartons, bins, tote boxes, trays and unpacked individual items can be efficiently stored and handled. The system can be integrated with conveyor and computer order picking systems.
Providing high density storage, Flowstore systems use the inexhaustible free power of gravity to store and transport goods from the restocking area to the picking area effortlessly, silently and inexpensively. No power source is needed and picking is simplified because as each carton is taken from the picking face, so the next carton moves forward automatically to fill its space.

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